Holiday Closure

SJC will observe Spring Break from March 17-21, 2025. No classes will be held during this time, but all SJC campuses and offices will remain open with regular hours from Monday, March 17, through Thursday, March 20. On Friday, March 21, all SJC campuses and offices will be closed, with the exception of the HHPC.

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Students walking up a tree lined sidewalk

Interstate Passport

Study, Transfer, Succeed

Transfer with fewer obstacles while saving time and money and most importantly – your credits!

Ask your academic advisor about Interstate Passport and how you can earn a Passport which offers:

  • An early milestone of completion on the way to a credential.
  • Advance knowledge that lower-division general education learning will be recognized upon transfer to another Network-member institution.
  • The potential for faster time to degree, lower cost, less debt, and lower foregone earnings from unduplicated learning.
  • A streamlined transfer process and a greater likelihood of successful transfer and completion.


San Juan College participates in the Interstate Passport Network, a network of regionally-accredited institutions that agree to transfer completed general education requirements as a block in a seamless and efficient process among its members. Students who transfer with a Passport to another Network-member institution will not have to repeat or take additional courses to satisfy lower-division general education requirements. 

View video and learn how the Interstate passport benefits you!

If you are interested in learning more, contact Advising! 

San Juan College Advising
(505) 566-3404

Phone: (505) 566-3404

Educational Services Building
Room 4106

M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.